The Challenge-led Grading Framework is the fourth output in the PoliUniBus project. It was developed based on the results from PoliUniBus Concept and Requirements and Methodology.
This document supports the development of a Challenge-led Grading Framework. It will provide guidelines on how Higher Education Institutions (HEI) will assess and give credit for the works carried out on the platform, how will companies and policymakers determine what a good idea/solution is and how they will communicate this to the applicants, and how they will assess the innovation related to the presented ideas/solutions.
This document proposes the method of evaluation of the proposals inserted in the platform, detailing the steps of this process and the result of the assessment.
Approach Applied
The evaluation of proposals is based on criteria for inclusion in the PoliUniBus platform. After inserting the necessary initial documents, projects will be verified whether they meet the scope of the call and the involved stakeholders (academy, companies, or policymakers). They will then undergo an assessment to be carried out by three independent reviewers within the scope and areas of involvement. The assessment is conducted entirely through the web platform. After evaluation, a board will be composed of the stakeholders’ experts to verify compliance in all evaluation phases, to give the final verdict.